Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is Rex Ryan Overrated?

Problem with Being Foot-loose & Fancy Free
Rex Ryan is equally famous as the head coach of the NY Jets and for his foot fetish video that he made with his wife and posted on youtube. After Wes Welker of the New England Patriots found out about the video, he made several foot references throughout his press conference.
Rex Ryan is a very good foot-ball coach. There is no denying that. He is extremely confident and he attracts the type of players that feed off of that. Despite his New York Jets being de-feated in the AFC Championship game the previous two years, Rex Ryan is overrated and he has only himself to blame.
QB Mark Sanchez after finding out about his coach's obsession with feet "I now where socks even when I take a shower after games. One time, he asked our trainer about my issue with Athlete's foot. It kinda wierded me out"
If I was the owner of a consistently bad or mediocre team, I would consider hiring Rex as a coach. The reason for this is he can make an irrelevant team relevant. He knows how to motivate and incite to his advantage. He knows how to use the media as well. Unfortunately, he also doesn’t know when to stop. Rex Ryan is overrated because he has over-hyped himself. He consistently writes checks that he cannot cash and then expects his players to foot the bill. The most recent occurrence of Rex putting his foot in his mouth involved the Jets upcoming opponent; the San Diego Chargers. Rex was interviewed for the Chargers head coaching job in 2007. He was not offered the job. Instead, it was given to the present head coach, Norv Turner. With little provocation, Rex announced that had he been hired, the Chargers would have won several rings by now.

First, I assume that Rex was referring to Super Bowl rings and not toe-rings. Second, didn’t Rex guarantee a Super Bowl for the Jets upon his arrival? So what does this say about his own team? It implies that the Jets roster is not as good as the Chargers’ roster. And third, why would you want to incite your upcoming opponent and disrespect your own team in the process?
Gangrene can be caused by an infection of some sort, but more often than not, it is the end result of Rex Ryan's mouth sucking on your toes.
The worst part about this incident is that it is commonplace for Rex to say and do stupid things. His personality may have been enjoyable in the beginning, but he hasn’t delivered. The Jets now expect a Super Bowl and anything short of that is a disappointment. I will give Rex some credit. He helped make the Jets relevant. But unless he starts toeing the party line a bit more, I could see New York fans eventually running him out of town.


  1. Unless you are a Jets fan born prior to 1963 this RexRyan era is the golden age of The Jets. There's just nothing else that comes close. That's actually kind of sad now that I think about it....Still I'd take Rex and him saying some stupid things for some football relevance. And besides he's newsworthy whether you like him or hate him. And I do think he has some "crazy like a fox" strategy going on most of the time.

  2. Sanchez is a lot better than you make him out to be. He may not be in Brady's class ( like Eli is!) but he has a lot of playoff wins under his belt already ( all on the road). He is still getting used to 2 new receivers (and D-Mas is already gone) which explains his low passer rating. He also has knack for making comebacks (his 4th qtr rating is 7th in the league.)

  3. when you will write about Tebow....
